The trouble with alcohol is that nobody deliberately sets out to get drunk and cause an accident. All too often people are simply enjoying themselves and assume that no matter the amount they drink, they will still somehow remain in control of their faculties. In fact, the more they drink, the less aware they become of the increasingly potent danger of their condition.
How alcohol affects you
Each year, thousands of car accidents with drunk drivers cause tragedy and grief, making it one of the top causes of vehicle accidents. Alcohol has the following effects, of which the person under the influence seems to have little comprehension:
- Slows down your response time which means you are more likely to have an accident.
- Affects judgement and reasoning.
- Upsets the senses of balance and co-ordination.
- Impairs both vision and hearing.
- Reduces concentration and introduces feelings of drowsiness.
- Even hours after alcohol has left your bloodstream, you are still liable to have an accident.
- Alcohol is a depressant because it slows down the functions of the central nervous system. As a result cognitive skills and hand-eye co-ordination are seriously compromised.
- If you are injured in an accident, your recovery will take much longer because alcohol affects your circulation and the immune system.
- If you’re drunk it makes it much harder for medical professionals to diagnose any serious conditions.
- Alcohol also interferes with an anaesthetic or any other medication, meaning operations and treatment may be delayed.
- Statistics show that accident victims who have been drinking suffer more serious injuries than those who are sober at the time.
The attendant consequences
What this means is that no one should ever drive a car after having a drink. Even one drink — which may lead to a fairly low blood alcohol count – can affect your vision and ability to concentrate. Alcohol and driving simply do not go together. Driving requires your full attention and ability to make quick decisions, to react swiftly to the unexpected and execute quick, considered moves behind the wheel.
Being convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol can impact your life dramatically. You are likely to land up in court – either paying a heavy fine or spending time in jail. You stand to lose your job, and be prevented from obtaining other employment. You’ll face financial setbacks – your car might be a wreck, you may have seriously injured another person, your insurance will rocket – not to mention personal and family embarrassment. In fact, the consequences are so horrific, it is bizarre that people still, every day, risk these effects for a few glasses of liquid.
How to be more responsible about drinking and driving
Anybody who drinks regularly is in danger of becoming unaware of when they have had too much. Always set aside at least 2 days a week when you don’t consume any alcohol at all. Control your stress levels without resorting to alcohol. Alcohol can only have a negative effect on your emotions – a temporary high then a complete swing to depression. Rather go to the gym after work or take a long walk, a relaxing bath, a cup of hot chocolate and an early night. Know your limits, and know when to reign yourself in to keep control of your drinking habits.
Ways we can act to prevent drunken driving and consequent accidents
There is absolutely no reason that anyone should drive a car after drinking. Something as simple as having a designated driver when you’re out for the evening can prevent life-changing disasters. If you know that a sober, responsible driver is going to take you home, there’s no reason not to enjoy your evening and have the drinks you want. You will not be putting your – or anyone else’s life at risk. Killing or injuring another person through drunken driving is a shadow that will stay with for the rest of your life.
Unfortunately, the drinking age remains at 18 years – too young for most people at this age to cope with the ramifications. A large percentage of accidents fall into the 18 – 24 age group. Education should be targeted at young people long before they are eligible for a driving licence.
One of the best deterrents might be to get an attorney into schools to talk about the aftermath of drunken driving – the physical damage, the resultant financial burdens, the court cases and the punishments – in short the incredible ruin of young lives through ignorance, stupidity and lack of responsibility. Remember just one drink might be enough to destroy a future.
Handling your case
If you’ve been injured in a car accident with a drunk driver then you need to contact us. As an experienced firm with impeccable standards, Simpsons has a personal yet highly professional approach to dealing with road accident victims – and specifically victims of drunk driving. We offer sound advice on how to proceed with both claiming recompense and processing your insurance claim – and we operate on a no win, no fee basis.
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