Simpsons, Personal Injury specialist attorneys, visited the Turfhall Cheshire Home for the Physically-Disabled on 15 December to deliver care packs to the residents.

The Turfhall Cheshire Home has provided residential care for the severely physically disabled since 1984. They currently care for 60 persons. Their aim is to provide conditions necessary for the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of physically-disabled individuals from disadvantaged communities.

The genesis for the dedicated Cheshire Homes began when Leonard Cheshire, a WWII bomber pilot, took a homeless, terminally ill man into his home and cared for him until his death. This act of selflessness grew into the network of Cheshire homes worldwide, including six in South Africa.

The Turfhall Cheshire Home has not received an increase in state subsidy in 6 years and therefore welcomes support from the community to keep its doors open. Because Simpsons’ work encompasses so many accident disabled victims, they have developed a strong affiliation with Turfhall. This time, they came bearing gifts in the form of care packs with selected toiletries such as: Vaseline; Roll-on; a face cloth; soap; toothbrush and toothpaste set. And a packet of biscuits as a treat.

Simpsons are a well-established, dynamic firm of attorneys dealing extensively with cases where injuries are the result of someone else’s negligence or intentional action. Working on a ‘no win/no fee’ basis, they ensure a highly personalised approach, impeccable standards and tenacity in achieving justice in all their cases.