If you are unsure about what an undertaking is, read more about it in our previous blog post: Everything that you need to know about an Undertaking from the Road Accident Fund

When you have settled your matter with the road accident fund, it will typically include an undertaking for future medical treatment.

This means that should you need future medical treatment for the injuries incurred in the accident, the Road Accident Fund undertakes to pay for those costs.

Remember, it must be accident-related injuries. You cannot use this when you have, for example, got the flu or broken your arm at work. The RAF will only pay for injuries sustained in the accident.

Once you’ve received your undertaking, you will also receive all your medical reports you got whilst we did your matter with the Road Accident Fund, and you will see what kind of future treatment you will need in future. Contact us today to book your free consultation with one of our personal injury attorneys. Let’s talk about how we can assist in expediting your claim.

Our team will support and advise you during this lengthy process and do everything in their power to make your experience as stress-free as possible.